Here I am already - my last week in Australia. I can't believe how fast the time has gone. This time next week I will be basking on a beach in Fiji - I can't wait! These past few weeks have been strange ones; everything is wrapping up and it is getting increasingly harder to not think about home and seeing people again. Classes officially ended on April 3rd, and since then there has been a lot of movie watching, hanging out, book reading, nostalgia, and some attempts at studying.
I'm finding it more difficult then ever to study for my finals here; my mind is on going home and I seem to be forgetting (or at least wanting to) the minor detail of exams. Friday myself, Lindsay

Yesterday we went to Mermaid beach for what could have very well been our last Australian beach day. I have my first final tomorrow (Tuesday), another on Wednesday, and my last one on Saturday (weird, I know). On Sunday the 20th at 11:45 am I am flying from Brisbane airport to Nadi, Fiji, with my friends Tracie and Audrey. We are staying around the city of Nadi, and are hoping to get in a lot of swimming, snorkeling, and sun bathing. I think Fiji is going to be a situation that we have to figure out when we get there; I have no idea what it's going to be like or if I am going to have any way of communicating with people. If it turns out that I can get
We leave Fiji Thursday the 24th at 10pm and arrive at LAX on Thursday the 24th at 1:20pm. No, that's not a typo. The flight is 10 hours long, but because of the time change I actually arrive home 9 hours before I left - pretty cool huh?! I am planning on staying down in LA visiting friends from APU until the 26th, when I am flying back to Santa Cruz!
I am full of mixed emotions about leaving Australia and coming back home. I can't believe that this study abroad experience is almost over - I have spent so much time thinking about it, preparing for it, doubting it, and stressing out over it, and now it's over. It's strange to think that I may never again be in this place that I have gotten so used to. I have met some really amazing people here, who I am going to miss dearly. I have to admit that I kinda hit the jackpot with Corinne and Lindsay - they both live in Northern California and also go to APU - so I am very grateful to know that I will be seeing them this summer as well as next year at school.
While it is strange to be leaving, I also feel like I have a lot of great things to come home to. I am beyond excited to see people again (warning, I WILL be crying). I'm looking forward to having the comforts of home back. And I think I may be a little too excited to eat American food (in those amazing American portions!). It is going to be really nice to get back to the familiar that I

I decided it was a good decision to write this blog when I got tired of studying for my final tomorrow. I've also already taken down my photos and packed 1 suitcase as other distractions. I can't wait to get back and give everyone a massive first hug! Beware: you might not recognize me because I look so tan and Fijian.
Thank you so much for all of your support throughout this semester that has proved to be an amazing experience for me. I can't wait to show more pictures and stories with everyone!
Peace and Love.